Mark & Sarah; Clinton, IA wedding photographer
Sarah and Mark were referred to me by Jeni V.B., my dear friend and fellow photog, and I'm so glad they decided to call me. They were so laid back and easy to work with, and their families and friends were wonderful. In fact, we were having such a great time that my second shooter, Lauren, would have stayed at the reception a few more hours (after a 9.5 hour day!). I believe she said something like, "They're so FUN -- I want to be friends with them!" That's one of the great things about the photography business -- so many of your clients become friends. :)
The last few pictures in this post will give you an idea of what a fun group they were. Some prankster announced, "We will now play Mark's favorite song," then launched into the "Star Spangled Banner," America's National Anthem. Well, our dear Mark is from Canada! The last photo is of a boisterous rendition of "O Canada." I was surprised at the number of guests and members of the wedding party who knew the words!
Mark & Sarah, enjoy your adventures together!

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